onsdag 24 oktober 2007

Spinning out of control...

A few days after my last post I was offered a new job in Stockholm, starting already August 20. This totally messed up my plans for the summer, as I had planned for August to be my vacation. In stead it was work 24/7...

Only 10 days to pack up and move to Stockholm and simultaneously move my sister out of her student apartment in Flemingsberg. No wonder that I am still not quite organized! As luck would have it Helena got a regular contract for an apartment in Huddinge centrum right on time for my move. It is small but well-planned and quite cheap. As Helena is working in Stavanger, I currently have the apartment to myself. I have a Chinese student as a lodger in my apartment in Malmö, in order to keep costs down.

My new job as controller and project coordinator at Jederstrom Pharmaceuticals AB has been very intense these first two months. My role is quite broad stretching from project planning and monitoring, budgeting, contacts with accountants and auditors, intellectual property, and investor relations, to purchasing, business intelligence, board meetings and even "dressing up in a space suit" to assist in the laboratory "clean room".

Commuting in Stockholm is stressful, but now I have gotten the hang of "entering the zone" and shutting out everyone around me. The stretch from the tracks for Pendeltåget at Stockholm Centralstation to the T-Centralen metro station requires that you can "zone out" the crowd. I am keeping my fingers crossed, as the company will most probably relocate to KI Science Park in Huddinge - just five minutes by bus from my apartment! The additional 1,5-2 hours of free time the shorter commute will afford me each day will be most welcome. Not that I am complaining - I am still working less than I did at MAH and earning 50% more! I am also learning a lot about the biotech/pharma industry.

My parents have gone back to Cyprus and I am quite envious. Think - the greatest stress in your life is that "we have to go to the bank this week" and the biggest decision whether to enjoy the sun on the terrace, by the pool or on the beach... They have furnished their new apartment with IKEA, that recently opened a store in Nicosia. I look forward to spending the Christmas holidays in Cyprus with my parents - and this time I don't even have to bring "lingonsylt"!

Helena has suffered from repeated respiratory infections since July and is currently on sick leave. She will be coming to Stockholm this weekend, but I doubt I will see much of her as she is visiting her boyfriend. Helena recently attended the 20-year reunion with her friends from Hagalidskolan at Folkets Hus in Staffanstorp - nowadays a familiar place for many Swedes due to the fact that it was there the "Hipp Hipp" comedy show character Tiffany tried to organize a Christmas concert with Carola in the "Julevangelium" series.

I have not really had a lot of time to socialize, but spend most evenings at home web surfing or watching my "new" widescreen TV ("inherited" from my 81-year old grandmother after it was repaired, as she "needed" a new one to watch the Athletics World Championship in August when it broke). To think how dependent we are on technology we hardly even know exited 10-15 years ago. My parents moan about the three week waiting period that they are "off-line" awaiting installation of their broadband Internet connection.

I have recently given in and established a Facebook account. I am a lousy online social networker - I simply never seem to have the time! I will link to my Facebook, Linked In, LiveJournal and MySpace accounts from this blog shortly and vice versa. I can however strongly recommend the Stumble Upon social bookmarking service/add-on to your browser. Great and interesting web-sites that I never would have found on my own, but oh so addicting... Time just flies when you are having fun!

I will make sure to update the blog more regularly from now on, probably once a week.

As it is getting late - Good night and sleep tight!


söndag 5 augusti 2007

Vilken härlig dag!

En sådan här dag blir man verkligen härligt glad, för att citera den fåniga visa som mamma ofta försöker sjunga vid dylika tillfällen. Så har vi då äntligen riktigt sommarväder att njuta av under den vecka som kommer! Jag har varit ute och åkt på Österlen idag, njutit av landskapets vyer, fikat på Café Annorlunda, strosat runt i Simrishamn och ätit glass i solen på en bänk vid hamnen, samt fyndat/"fått mest för pengarna" i Tomelilla.

Igår låg jag ute och solade på gårdsplanen här i Heingetorp i stort sett hela dagen, medan kvällen ägnades åt att försöka rensa i röran som uppstått här efter alla ombyggnaderna och de omflyttningar som skett av familjens medlemmar och företag både inom och utom landet sedan år 2000. Dock blir det ju så att det alltid blir värre innan det blir bättre och för närvarande ser hela huset ut som efter en tornado med kartonger, lådor, kläder och prylar överallt.

Ibland är det svårt att hålla fokus på att städa undan och man kan bli lätt sentimental - som igår när jag hittade kartongerna med alla gamla foton. Vilka hemska frisyrer man har haft i sitt liv! Vilken fördel vi har idag med billiga digitalkameror! En massa suddiga bilder och avklippta huvuden hittade jag som sparats för att det är det enda foto man hade tagit - film och framkallning var ju dyrt!

Ikväll ska jag titta på andra delen av Europa - en naturhistoria. Som nästan alla andra dokumentärserier producerade av BBC är denna helt klart sevärd och mycket allmänbildande. Som det står i ett av mina fynd idag - en bok, vad annars... ;-) (Andra Klokboken för 10 kr) :

"Vetgirighet får livet att blomma"

Soliga hälsningar,


fredag 3 augusti 2007

Do you know me?

My sister Helena has told me that her blog has been extremely useful as a way of getting back in touch with long lost friends from years ago. I am hoping this blog will have the same effect for me, since I am very curious to find out what has happened in the lifes of my childhood and university friends that I am no longer in contact with!

This entry will hopefully help clarify whether I really am who you think I am, as well as update you on some of the major events in my life since we were last in touch.

I am now 37 years old, still single and live in Sweden. I attended Putney Park School in London 1976-77, Brogårdaskolan in Bjuv 1977-1980, Stanstorpsskolan in Staffanstorp 1980-1982, Hagalidskolan in Staffanstorp 1982-1985, Polhemskolan in Lund 1985-1987 and Schuylkill Haven Area High School 1987-88. During primary and secondary school I was a swimmer (Spiggarna in Bjuv and Triton in Staffanstorp), as well as played basketball (Basta BK in Staffanstorp). I travelled with my family a lot and often made new friends while on vacation. I also went to Bognor Regis with EF in the summer of 1982 and Bruton School for Girls in the summer of 1984. I took summer courses in French at Nice University in 1985 and 1989.

I also had a lot of penpals from all over the world between 1982 and 1988. It is really quite amazing that today we can exchange instant messages around the world for free, while it was quite expensive and it took weeks to exchange letters way back when! To think that that is more that 20 years ago - that really makes me feel old... I would love to hear from some of my old penpals again! It really is a small world after all, as when I happened to see the name on a baggage tag at Charles De Gaulle Airport when I had ended up at the wrong place and thus met Virginia again...

I studied Business Administration at Lund University starting 1988 and during my university years I was very active within AIESEC - I attended a lot of national and international conferences and I responsible for the traineeship exchange 1989/90 and president 1990/91. To finance my travels I worked weekends, summers and the Christmas rush as a cashier at B&W Stormarknad, Jägersro 1988-1990 and at Åhlens, Lund 1990-1993. I worked as an intern at the UN in Geneva, Switzerland in the summer of 1990, I studied German in Heidelberg in the summer of 1991, I was an AIESEC trainee in Graz, Austria in the fall of 1991, I studied in Münster, Germany in the spring of 1992, I studied in Graz, Austria academic year 1992/93 as "Staatstipendiatin" and I worked as an intern in Hamburg, Germany in the summer of 1993.

In 1994 I started working as a consultant with Andersen Consulting in Stockholm and attended trainings in St Charles (June 1994) and the Netherlands (April 1995). Academic year 1995/96 I completed the EAEME European Master in Environmental Management program in Arlon, Belgium and Tilburg, Netherlands. I am sad and somewhat ashamed that I have only managed to make it to one of the Arlon reunions so far...

From June 1996 until February 2000 I was a research associate/PhD candidate at IIIEE, Lund University. I am looking forward to the IIIEE alumni reunion this fall! I attended, presented at as well as arranged several international workshops, seminars and conferences between 1994 and 2002 - focusing on strategic environmental management, environmental management standards, sustainability reporting, environmental accounting and corporate social responsibility. I got to know a lot of fun and interesting people at these events, but am only in contact still with a few of you. I was also a volunteer at GEYC 2000 in Lund and GEYC 2004 in Alexandria, Egypt.

I worked with Global Responsibility and Tomorrow Magazine 2000-2003, studied Intellectual Property at Malmö högskola 2003-2004 and psychology/pedagogy at Lund university 2003-2005. Between September 2005 and June 2007 I have been employed as a university lecturer at Malmö högskola, where I have been teaching basic courses in business administration, project management, as well as leadership and organisation. This summer I have become a certified NLP-practioner - something I would recommend to all of you! Since 2005 I am also an active member of Malmö International Rotary Club, JCI Malmö and Malmö Toastmasters.

I have an apartment in Malmö, as well as the vacation homes I own together with my sister in the countryside of Skåne/Österlen and Östergötland. My sister Helena has an apartment in Huddinge outside Stockholm, though she is currently working in Stavanger, Norway. My parents Hans and Agneta are now retired and spend most of the year in Cyprus, where they have an apartment close to the beach in Limassol. The mediterranean climate has spoiled them, as they spend most of the summer in Sweden complaining about the weather... But then again, this year we all have!

What I will be doing from now on is still up in the air as I am currently interviewing with several interesting companies/organizations. To be sure this is the right time to be looking for a new job in Sweden as business certainly seems to be booming! I have never seen so many job advertisements for business controllers, business developers, project managers and HR staff as there have been these past few months. I will let you all know the result of my job hunt soon here in my blog. I may stay in Malmö/Skåne or I may move back to Stockholm this fall - it all depends on what job offers I get!

I guess that is all - now I wait for your comments and responses here on my blogspace or directly via e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you soon!


Ulrika Wennberg

My presence in Cyberspace

Establishing this blog is probably long overdue...

I know I have a lot of friends and contacts all around the world who would like to know what kind of trouble I am getting into nowadays and get regular updates. I am not always that good at replying in detail to such e-mails...

In addition to providing regular updates on the events taking place in my life, I will also use this blog to express my personal thoughts and ideas. I look forward to your feedback on these!

The blog will be bilingual, with entries both in English and Swedish. Swedish entries will primarily be about events and issues specific to the Swedish context, so none of my international friends and contacts should feel left out by this!

Bye for now!
